Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Cultural studies

Hello readers !

             We all know that cultural studies deal with culture as a part of everyday life. Cultural studies , interdisciplinary field concerned with the role of social institutions in the shipping of culture .

# So, here I will put one link,  the following link of cultural studies workshop will also make certain points clear .

👉 https://ritadabhi.blogspot.com/2019/12/workshop-on-cultural-study.html?m=1

♣️ What is Culture :-

"culture does not make people. People make culture.
 If it is true that the full humanity of women  is not our culture,
 then we can and must  make it our culture ."

~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

                        Culture is the complex and broad set of relationships, values, attitudes and behaviors that bind a specific community consciously and unconsciously.
              " A culture is a way of life of a group of people - the behaviour, belief, value and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them and that are passed along by communication and imitation from the generation to the next ."

♣️ What is cultural study :-

                    Cultural study is a composed of element of Marxism, poststructuralism and postmodernism, feminism, gender studies , anthropology, sociology, race and ethics studies, film theory, urban studies, public policy, popular culture studies, and postcolonial studies: those fields that concentrate of social and cultural forces that either create community or cause cause division and alienation .

                  Patrick Brantlinger  has  pointed out, cultural study is not "a tightly coherent, unified movement with a fixed agenda", but "a loosely coherent group of tendencies, issues, and questions".  Ronald Barthes on the nature of literary language and Claude Levi Strauss on anthropology, cultural study was influenced by structuralism and poststructuralism . Jacques Derrida's "Deconstruction" of the world/text distinction, like all his deconstruction of hierarchical oppositions, has urged or enabled cultural critics " to erase the boundaries between high and low culture, classic and popular literary text and literature and other cultural discourses that following Derrida may be seen as a manifestations of the same textuality".

♣️ Four goals of cultural studies :-

                        Cultural studies approaches generally share four goals . And these four goals are ,

👉 Cultural studies transcends the confines of a particular discipline such as Literary Criticism or history .

👉 Cultural studies is politically engaged.

👉 Cultural studies denise the separation of " high" and  " low" or elite and popular culture .

👉 Cultural studies analyzes not only the cultural work , but also the means of  production .

♣️ Power at the centre of cultural studies

"Nearly all men can stand adversity,
but if you want to test a man's character,
give him power".
~Abraham Lincoln 

                   We all know  that in every culture there are some people in society who has different power in there hand and there try to control over marginalised people who haven't  power and even haven't  voice for raises their questions. High cultured people always make their high place in society and rules in society . We can include politicians and governments and other higher class people. So, we can say that power is the centre in cultural studies . Power is the driving force of any system .

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