Sunday, January 26, 2020

Alfred Tennyson & Robert Browning

Hello readers !

 ♣️ Difference between Alfred Tennyson and Robert Browning :-   

                Alfred Tennyson (1809 - 1893) and Robert Browning (1812 - 1889) both are belong to the Victorian age .  And they occupy a prominent place as a pre-eminent poet of their age. Both the poet apply  new techniques and style in poetry writing. But both these poets adopt their own style in their writing . 

  • Browning focus on the phyche on his fantastic character and tries to look into deep inside of such characters in his writing . Browning tries to understand human nature, religion and society properly . He Studies the innermost psychology of character .
  • Tennyson draws material from external specific realities, ideas, and subject and iries to express it through or nate language.
  • Browning's writing are always energetic .
  • Tennyson's stone of expression is generally  melancholic where he tend to give  touch of nostalgia .
  • Browning's work bus seldom artistic in form thought art was the suitable subject for man's study. He takes comely and ugly subjects with equal pleasure and aims to show that truth lies hidden in both the evil and the good.
  • Basically in Tennyson 's work is always artistic, never studied art, but was devoted to the sciences. He was under the influence of the romantic revival and choose his subjects daintily.
๐Ÿ’  Defference between Romantic And Victorian age :-

♣️The Age of Romanticism :-

๐Ÿ‘‰ Known as the second creative period of English literature and age of poetry.

๐Ÿ‘‰The romantic period was an artistic and literary movement that originated in Europe towards the end of the 18th century.

๐Ÿ‘‰ The age Romanticism was a very turbulent period, during which England experienced the ordeal of change from a primarily agricultural society to a modern industrial nation. French Revolution storming of the Bastille had a great influence on English society and literature. It influenced almost every sphere of life.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Romantic literature : Romantic poets revered and adored nature.Romantic poetry was a reaction against conventions, rules, and traditional laws of poetry. Romantic poetry is the poetry of emotion, passion, and sentiments. According to Wordsworth, one of the important Romantic poets, “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.”

๐Ÿ‘‰ Nature is one of the most used themes in romantic poetry; nature was something to be revered and admired. It was a source of inspiration, happiness, and satisfaction. Pastoral life, medievalism, Hellenism, supernaturalism are also important features of romantic poetry.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Romantic literature is emotionally expressive, it often uses phrases such as "Oh!" to give the impression of a sudden onrush of feeling. Examples of these dramatic expressions in the poems include ‘Ah!’ and ‘O!’ among others. In the poem ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ by John Keats, some of the verses with these expressions include

‘Ah, happy, happy boughs! That cannot shed,’ ‘O mysterious priest,’ or ‘mountain-built with peaceful citadel’

among many others. It brought a more brave, individual, and imaginative approach to both literature and life. During this time the individual became more important than society.


๐Ÿ‘‰ Known as the modern period of progress and unrest and age of prose.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Victorian period is the period during the reign of Queen Victoria( 1837).  This particular age is contrast with the romantic age with the poetic fruitfulness of the romantic age.

๐Ÿ‘‰ The Victorian age was a period of great progress and prosperity for the nation. This was a period in which industry, technology, and science were celebrated with renewed vigor. Because of the rapid extension of colonialism England became a very powerful empire and also the center of world power.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Victorian literature: Victorian poets regarded nature as in a more realistic and less idealistic angel. In this period the Victorian novel that played an important role in Victorian literature. The novelist like  charles Dickens, William Thackeray, George Eliot,Thomus Hardy, Stevenson etc. Victorian poets displayed an interest in the medieval literature of England. The heroic and chivalry knights were a particular favorite of Victorian poets.

๐Ÿ‘‰The use of sensory elements was another important characteristic of Victorian poetry. Many Victorian Poets used imagery and the sensory elements to express the struggles between Religion and Science and ideas about Nature and Romance.

๐Ÿ‘‰  They used Dramatic monologue as a theme of writing. If look at for example then a good example of the poem that adopted these styles was Robert Browning’s ‘My Last Duchess”. Some of the verses which show these are:

“That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive. I call, That piece a wonder, now: Fra Pandolf’s hand, Worked busily a day, and there she stands, Will’t please you sit and look at her?”

Furthermore, as passed to Romantic era, most of the Victorian poems show skepticism of religion.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Thinking Activity : Derrida and Deconstruction

Welcome Readers !


" Deconstruction never had meaning or interest, at least in my eyes, then as a radicalization, that is to say, also within the tradition of certain Marxism, in a certain spirit of Marxism ".

~ Jacques Derrida

                          The term "poststructuralism" is often identified with "deconstruction", a pervasive phenomenon in modern literary and cultural theory originated by the French thinker Jacques Derrida ( 1930 - 2004 ).  The term Deconstruction is very difficult to define it . Because Derrida says that it is not destructive activity, it is not something breaking down or something for sake of destruction. But Derrida is doing inquiring into the condition or what causes of philosophical system to stand on its feet and fall down.  And Derrida says that "deconstruction" is not a destructive activity but an enquiry of the foundation . Derrida deconstruct metaphysics of presence . The relationship between word and its meaning is not natural but conventional one .

♣️ Advertisement : Pond's

                           In this advertisement we find the Unilever owned beauty brand pond's is the latest to embrace the theme of female empowerment . The latest campaign created by Ogilvy . The advertisement show the story of young girl pursuing a passion   in boxing. She deals with dilemma of revealing this decision to her mother . The protagonist of this advertisement used cream to hide below dealt by an opponent from her mother . Everyday she tells her mother that she was in the college library instead of telling her about her boxing obsession . One day she decided to wash of the cream that hide her bruise and reveal that she is a training to be a boxer . And at the end we find that her mom is more supportive than she ever imagined . When we apply deconstruction theory that time we find  that the meaning of the word is nothing but the other word . According to my perspective this advertisement raised many questions against society that why woman are  never  says easily their passion and hobbies . And in this advertisement we can apply the term  feminism . And another question is in the present time why woman still feel held back by their inner voice . 

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Welcome readers !

๐Ÿ”ณ Structuralism :-

                     Structuralism is an approach to analyzing the narrative material by examining the underlying invariant structure. For example, a literary critic applying a structuralist literary theory might say that the authors of West Side  Story did not write anything " really " new, because their work has the same structure as  Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. In the both texts a girl and boy  fall in love with despite the fact that they belongs to two groups that hate each others (" Boy's group - girl's group" or " opposing forces")  and conflict is  revolved by their death .

๐Ÿ”ณ Gerard Genette :-

                  Gerard Genette  ( 1930 - 2018 ) was a French literary theorist, associated in particular with the structuralist movement and search figures as Roland Barthes and Claude Levi-Strauss. From whom he adopted the concept of bricolage .   Genette writes at the outset  in his essay 'Structuralism and Literary Criticism'. Genette believes  that structural criticism is untainted by any of the transcended reduction of psychoanalysis for Marxist explanation. And he writes " It exerts , in its own way , a sort of internal reduction traversing the substance of the work in order to reach its bone structure : certainly not a superficial examination, but a sort of radioscopic penetration  and all the more external in that it is more penetrating .

                       Genette in Narrative Discourse : An essay in method  , he used five main concepts . And this five main concepts are ,
▪️ Order
▪️ Frequency
▪️ Duration
▪️ Voice
▪️ Mood

♣️ Order :- 

           Say a story is a follows : murder occurs ( event A ); then the circumstances of the murderer are revealed to  a detective (event B) finally murder is a cought (event c ).

๐Ÿ”ณ TV serial and film :-

                        T.V.  serial CID and other serials like Crime Patrol, Savdhan India, Arjun helps us to understand NARRATOLOGY . We find that structure of all the serial is same . For example murder found by detective . This structure is same in every episode but they make changes presenting it .

♣️ Frequency :-

          The separation between an event and its narration allows several possibilities .
  • An event can occur once and be narrated once.
  • an event can occur n time and be generated once ( iterative ).
  • An event can occur once and be narrated n time  ( repetitive) .
  • an event can occur n time and be narrated n time (multiple ) .
♣️ Duration :-

                 The separation between an event and its narration means that there is  discourse time and narrative time .

♣️ Voice :-

             Voice is concerned with who narrates, and from where. This is this can be split for ways :
  • Intra - diegetic : inside the text
  • Extra - diegetic : outside the text
  • Hero - diegetic : the narrator is not a character in the story .
  • Homo -diegetic : the narrator is a character in the story .

                           In the PK  movie Anushka Sharma played the role of heroine and narrator , who narrated story different perspective .  PK is satirical comedy is based on challenging the superstition labelled as religious practices in Indian society . It became all the  more interesting to see the depiction of religion in this film using strong narratives along with visual representation  to deal with the issue of faith . 

♣️ Mood :-

                   Gennete said  narrative mood is dependent on the 'distance' and 'perspective' of the narrator, and like music, narrative mood has predominant petterns. It is related to voice .

๐Ÿ”ณ Reference :-

Thanks you ..........


Sunday, January 5, 2020

Thinking Activity : Northrop Frye

Archetypal criticism
Northrop Frye

๐Ÿ’  Welcome readers !

                       This is my blog is based on our thinking activity task . So first I will give you brief introduction about Northrop Frye.

♦️ Northrop Frye :-

"The poet, however, uses these two crude, primitive, archaic forms of thoughts (simile and metaphor) in the most uninhibited way, because his job is not to describe nature but to show you a would completely absorbed and possessed by the human mind".

~ Northrop Frye

                          Northrop Frye his full name is Herman Northrop Frye ( born July 14 1912 , Died Jan. 23 1991 ) was a Canadian literary critic and literary theorist, considered one of the most influential of the 20th century . he was the first critic to postulate a systematic theory of criticism 'the workout' in his own word a unified commentary on the theory of literary criticism . Frye identified formulas as the convential myth and metaphor which he calles " archetypes ".

What is archetypal criticism ? what does the archetypal critic do ?

" In the literary criticism the term archetype denotes recurrent narratives designs, patterns of action, character-types, themes, and images which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature ".

                            Archetypal criticism as it applies to literature is a form of criticism "that interprets a text by focusing on recurring myth and archetypes." Rather than looking at the other aspect of the literary criticism focuses on searched the archetype present . Archetypes are "an original model of a person, ideal example, or a prototype upon which others are copied, patterned, or emulated " with regards to literature, this usually refers to ancient model like those form myth . Carl G. Jung (1875 - 1961) applied the term "archetype" to what he called "primordial  image" to 'phychic residue' of repeated patterns of experience in our very ancient which, he maintained, survive in the 'collective unconscious' of the human race and are expressed in myth, religion, dream and private fantasies as well as in the work of literature .

What is a frye trying prove by giving analogy of physics to nature and criticism to literature ?

                             Northrop Frye's Archetypal  of Literature, provided a structural study of literature and its recurrent themes, techniques, symbols, etc. in body of knowledge and to distinguish it from its study I.e.  criticism. Just as physics is the study of nature. However one can't possible 'learn literature' and therefore order to establish literature as an organised body of knowledge, criticism should be treated from literature. Hence criticism should be treated as a science and subsequently be separated from literature. Hence criticism should be treated as an individual branches of knowledge just a physics and not as a sub topic of literary studies as it is often considered .

◼️ Briefly explain deductive method with reference to an analogy to music, paintings , rhythm and pattern. Give examples of the outcome of deductive method .

                  The criticism of literature is much more hampered by the representational of fallacy then even the criticism of painting. That this is why we are apt to think of narrative as a sequential representation of events in outside "life" and of meaning as a reflection of some external "idea." properly used as critical term, an author's narrative is his linear movement: his  meaning is the integrity of his a completed form. Similarly an image is not merely a verbal replica of an external object but any unit of verbal structure seen as part of total pattern or rhythm .

♦️ Music & painting :-

                      Some art moves in time, like music; other are presented in a space, like painting. In both causes the organising principle is the recurrence, which is called rhythm when it is temporal and pattern when it is spatial . Literature seems to be intermediate betweenm musicand painting: its words form rhythms  which approach a musical sequence of sound at one of it boundaries, and from patterns which approach the hieroglyphics or pictorial image at the other .

♦️ Rhythm :-

                         Rhythm is deeply found on the natural cycle, and everything in natural that we think of as having some analogy with work of art, like the flower or the bird’s song grows out of a profound synchronization between  an organization and the rhythms of its environment especially that of the solar year. With animals some expressions of synchronization, like the mating dances of birds, could almost be called rituals . But in human life ritual seems to be something of a voluntary effort to recapture a lost rapport with the natural cycle .

♦️ Patterns :-
                   Patterns of imagery, on the other hand, or fragments of significance, are oracular in origin, and derive from the epiphanic moment, the flash of instantaneous comprehension with no direct reference to time, the importance of which is indicated by Cassirer in Myth and Language. By the time we get them, in the form of proverbs, riddles,commandments, and etiological folk tales, there is already a considerable element of narrative in them .

♦️ Refer to the Indian seasonal grade. If you can, please read small Gujarati or Hindi or English poem from the archetypal approach and  apply Indian seasonal grid in the interpretation

                    " เชฎોเชฐ เชฌเชจી เชฅเชจเช—ાเชŸ เช•เชฐે is traditional Gujarati  song written by Gujarati poet and social reformer Zaverchand Meghani . In this poem poet describe the beauty of monsoon . Here we find that เชฎોเชฐ means peacock is  symbol of love and happiness . 

♣️ Religion and Literature :-

                         we all know that India literature is influenced by religion. " Vedas"  are the most ancient Indian literature. Puranas and two great epics ramayan and mahabharat hold considerable significance even today. Religious influence upon Indian literature made a transition from oral to written . Religion has always been an integral part of the Literary tradition : many cononical  and non-cononical text engage extensively with religious ideas.