Monday, September 30, 2019

Rang Mohan youth festival 2019

Welcome Readers !
" Youth ! Youth ! How buoyant are the hopes , they term ,
Like marriage towards the sunny side ".

- Jean Ingelow

              We had celebrated 29 Inter college Rang Mohan youth festival hosted by sports department at Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University , Bhavnagar .  This is the festival of youth . And  this type  of academic youth festival  give the opportunity to students to show their hidden talent and skills . And  youth festival also provide stage to students to  make their career in various filds . And in this festival included various events  like , folk song , Western Group Song , skit , solo song ,  bhajan ,one act play ,mahendi ,rangoli ,poster making instruments music , folk dance , mime , quiz competition etc...

First day ( 25th sept.  2019 ):-


           This youth festival attributed to 150 birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi .
The kalayatra started from  Shamaldas Arts College to Ground of Seth H .J .Low college , Saradarnagar . And in the Kalayatra various colleges and many students participated and they shows their art and they all are used various theme in Kalayatra like ,
# My  life is my message
#Mohan to Mahatma
# Simon go back
# where am I ?
#clean India etc .

second day ( 26 Sept. 2019 )   :-

                       The second day of youth festival started with  University Song and  Mahatma Gandhi's  favourite song 

"वैष्णव जन तो तेने  कहिए पीड पराई जाने रे ..."

Add outstanding fork  orchestra was performed by GTU students and then welcome speech given by Dilipsingh Gohil . The chief  guest of this function was Bhupendrasingh Chudasama (cabinet education Minister) and many famous artists like Mayabhai Ahir , Kirtidan Gadhavi , Dhirubhai Sarvaiya , Yuvraj of Bhavnagar and the VC of MKB uni etc. And during this opening ceremony we enjoy a lot .

∆ Falk Dance , One act play , mimicry :-

Third Day ( 27 sept. 2019 ) :-

# Painting Competition :-


∆clay modelling :-

∆ Fourth Day ( 28 Sept. 2019 ):-

   # Rangoli :-


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Thinking Activity : Paradise Lost book IX

Welcome readers ,
                 We all know that  Paradise Lost is an epic in a blank verse  by the 17th century  English poet  John Milton (1608 -1674) . The Paradise Lost is considered by critics to be Million's mejor works . The poem concerns the  biblica story of the  fall of man . The temptation on  Adam and Eve  by the fallen angel  Satan and their expulsion from the  Garden of Eden .

                  This is my  thinking activity task given by  Dr. Dilip Barad sir .  Here I would like to put my view on  Human perspective and Divine perspective . CLICK HERE to view about this task .


Human perspective and Divine perspective :-

              John Milton's  Paradise Lost  is told from human perspective . And it is tries to " justify the ways of  God to Man " . Milton put his humanistic idea into the great epic  , and transfer his feelings , emotions and wishes into Adam and Eve . The fall in Paradise Lost changes man from a innocent beast to a real man  . The two objects courage and determination  represent the enterprising  spirit of Humanism .

                In the Paradise Lost we find that Eve is responsible for  fall of man . And also Eve's willingness  to taste the spirit was to gain " knowledge "  this also represent the human perspective .  In the Paradise Lost the story of  " Genesis "  we find the  Divine perspective . And in the Genesis we find  God is center . The Genesis is devided into two parts , in the first part we Genesis says about flood and the age of Earth . And the second part there is discussion  about the  creation of first man Eve and Adam .  And in the Genesis we find God punished Eve and Adam .

Eve as a transgres Eve as a transgresser and yet defendable :-

                  Eve  is most important  character in Paradise Lost . It is her idea to seperate from Adam  . She makes a logical suggestions in Paradise Lost book  IX .  In this book Eve is not a feminist heroine like so many characters in epic  , but she has an assigned role in the hierarchy of the universe .  Eve strengths are her capacity for  love , emotion and forbearance .  She persuade Adam to stay with her after the fall .

" So forcible within my heart I feel
The bond of nature draw me to my own
My own in tee for what you art in mine.
Our state cannot be severed ; we are one
One flesh ; to lose thee were to lose  myself ".

       Adam and Eve created as person of flesh and blood . They are ready to share weal and woe together . This is moving and passionated love declaration .

THANK YOU.......

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Thinking activity : View of Wordsworth and Coleridge on poem

Welcome readers ,

         Here I would like to put the brief note on the view of Wordsworth and Coleridge on poem .


# The view of Coleridge :-


    # According to Coleridge ,

          " A poem is that species of composition , which is opposed to work of science by opposing for its immediate object pleasure , not truth ; and from all other species ( having the object in common with it ) it is discriminate by proposing to itself such delight from the whole as is compatible with a distinct ratification from each component  part ".
 Biographia  Literaria ( 1817 ) chapter XIV  , Coleridge give his view on poem and poetry . According to Coleridge , a poem contains the same elements as a prose composition of them  , in convenience of a different object proposed . And Coleridge was great critic also . He criticised Wordsworth's " Lyrical Ballads "  and he writes that ,
                " Had Mr. Wordsworth's poem  been the silly , and the childish thing  which they were for a long time described as being ; had they had they been really distinguished from the composition of other poets marely  by meanless of language and inanity of thoughts ;  had they indeed contained nothing more than what is found in the parodies and pretended imitation of them ; they must have sunk at once , a dead weight , into the slough of oblivion and have dragged the preface along with them "

The view of Wordsworth :-

                 In the  1798 edition of " Lyrical Ballads "  Wordsworth and Coleridge state that the poem in the collection were intended as a deliberate experiment in style and subject matter . Wordsworth elaborate on his idea in the ' preface ' to the 1800 and 1802 additions which outline his main idea of a new theory of poetry Wordsworth explain his poetical concept ,
          " The majority of the following poems are to be considered as experiments . They were written chiefly with a view to as certain how far the language of conversation in the middle and lower classes of society is adapted to the purpose of poetic pleasure ."

         And Wordsworth argue that poetry should be written in the real language of common man rather than in the lofty and elaborate diction that were then considered  "poetic"  . He believe that first principle of poetry should be pleasure through a rhythmic and beautiful expression of feeling . All human sympathy , he asserted is based on subtle pleasure principle that is " the and native dignity of man " .

Analyse 2 poems with reference to  Wordsworth and Coleridge's view  :-

# " I wandered lonely as a cloud "  by Wordsworth :-

         The poem   " The Wandered Lonely As A Cloud " , one of the loveliest and famous in the Wordsworth Canon , revisist the familiar subject of  nature and memory , the plot is simple , depicting the poet's wondering and discovery of a field of  daffodils by lake .  The memory of which pleases him and comforts him when he is lovely , bored or restless . The characterization of the sudden occurrence of a memory, the daffodils " flash upon the inward eyes  , / which the bliss of solitude "  is a phychologically acute , but the poems main brilliance line in the reverse personification of its early stanza  . The speaker is metaphorically Compared to a nature object , a cloud -  " I wandered lonely cloud / that float on high ..." And daffodils are continually personified a human being , dancing and " tossing their heads " this technique implies an inherent unity between  man and nature .

Thank you ....

Sunday, September 8, 2019

August : patriotism and Religious fervour

 ∆ August is the month of Religious festivals and the month of revolution .
                We all know that  India is land of festival . There are numerous events in India taking place each month , and August is no different . The month of monsoon sees some important Indian festival and events that range from cultural to religious in nature . Festival in August include Hariyali Teej , Bakri Id , Nag Panchami , Rakshabandhan , Indian Independence , parsi new year , and also Krishna Janmashtami etc.

                Each festival of India is celebrated its own unique way according to their ! And every festival behind we find great myth and history .
            And also August is the month of patriotism . 
                 "A patriotism is religion and  religion is love  for India " .
                      ~ Banking Chandra Chetterjee

# Short Hindi film : DEFENCE OF FREEDOM

         The short film written by Nandita Dad . The short film gives a glimpse into Manto's strong beliefs about the freedom of speech in a democracy . And also Saadat Hasan Manto was a fierce man who lived on his terms , with no care for social dogmas . Saadat Hasan Manto , the legendary Indo - Pakistani writer . Manto was tried for obscenity six time . In fact he come under fire throughout his life for his explicit depiction of decadent and oppressive society of his time. Unaffected by societies opinions of him.
                  Manto was wrote honestly and scathingly about the reality faced by sex workers , as well as the sexual subjugation of women in general . And in this film his dilogues represent the current public situation like , 
     "  मन्टो एक इंसान है और हर इंसान को प्रोग्रैसीव होना चाहिए " 
          "में उस सोसायटी की चोली क्या उतारुऺगा जो पहले से ही नंगी है। उसे कपड़े पहनाना मेरा काम नहीं है । में काली तख्ती पर सफेद चोक इस्तेमाल करता हूं  ताकि काली तख्ती और नुमाया हो जाएं ।"

The Blood Line - A Film By Ram Madhvani 

                      Ram Madhvani's introspective film throws light on an important and perhaps forgotten footnote of  India's controversial partition history .  The bloody line is about the emotional turmoil of the man who divided our country in 1947. We are talking about sir Cyril Bardcliffe line that divided India and East Pakistan .  And he also reveals how Mahatma Gandhi  told him  about ahimsa and how this line would only invoke violence . And at the end Ram Madhvani has managed to capture guilt and frustration of Cyril Radcliff .  And he submitted the partition map on 9th August 1947 .  And during the partition millions of people who flee across the border when they discovered the new boundaries left them in  the wrong country .  And at that time millions of people who injured and also died .
∆  "देश  एक राग है । "  - भगवत रावत :-

        The poem " देश एक राग है ।"  Is written by Bhagvat Ravat . In this poem we find difference between country and nation .  And this book is originally published in  2009 . It talk about the beautiful , imitate and personal relationship a citizen shared with its country . This poem originally written in Hindi .

       "  देश एक राग है " कविता में राष्ट्र और देश के बिच के अंतर को स्पष्ट किया गया है । इसमें बताया गया है कि किस तरह से एक देश तो राष्ट्र बन सकता है पर क्या राष्ट्र कभी देश बन सकता है? क्या देश की परंपरा , संस्कृति , भाषा ,  वेशभूषा को बदला जा सकता है ?  ऐसे कई बातों के बारे में कहा गया है । और " देश एक राग है " कविता के अंत में कवि भगवत रावत लिखते हैं कि ,

इस सबके बाद भी , 
आपको अपना राष्ट्र मुबारक
मुझे तो अपना देश चाहिए
आपको इक्कीस तोपों की सलामी मुबारक
मुझे आसमान में लहराता मेरा तिरंगा चाहिए
बुरा लगा हो तो माफ़ करना
में तो अपने लोकतंत्र में
अपनी छोटी सी नागरिक इच्छा पूरी करना चाहता था ।
इस बार छब्बीस जनवरी पर
में देश के नाम संदेश देना चाहता था ।
                    ~भगवत रावत

Monday, September 2, 2019

The purpose by T. P. Kailasm

Hello readers , 
         Welcome to my blog . This is my view on 'The Purpose' by T P Kailasm .  This task given by Vaidehi Hariyani ma'am . CLICK HERE to view about this task .

∆ T.P.Kailasm :-

          Thanjuvur Paramasiva  Kailasm (1884 - 1946) . He was a playwright and prominent writer of Kannada literature . His contribution to Kannada theatrical comedy earned him the title Prahasana Prapitamaha ' the father of humorous play ' and later he also called " Kannadakke Obbane Kailasm "  meaning  ' one and only Kailasm for Kannada ' . 
            Kailasm was initially criticised for modern use of the Kannada language in his play , but he work become popular and it's considered among the best in Kannada theatre  , known for wit and satirical commentary on society . He wrote many great works like , 

∆ " THE PURPOSE " :-

        "The purpose " is well-known work by T .P . Kailasm . And 'The Purpose ' is two act play.  And this play is based on the Aadiparva from Mahabharata .  And the play is deal with the less popular character  Eklavya from the Mahabharata . 
    • CLICK HERE  (see the original text of THE PURPOSE )

∆ Compare and contrast Arjuna and              Eklavya's character .
        In " The Purpose "  play we find that different between Arjuna and Eklavya both have different purpose .  And T . P. Kailasm's Eklavya is greater than Arjuna . Let's see the comparison of the Arjuna and Eklavya , 
        In this play we find that the Arjuna's purpose was becoming great archer  in the world , So his purpose was selfless . And the other side we see that Eklavya' s purpose was save the innocent animals life , do his purpose was noble and loyal . And in the play Kailasm potrayed Eklavya as a  hero of the play and Arjuna is anti- hero of the play.

∆ What is subaltern ? Who do you think       is the subaltern in this play ? Explain         with example .

  • The meaning of Subaltern :-
          ' The subaltern ' meaning ' of inferior rank ' is a term adopted by  Antonio Gramsci  to refer to thos working class people in Soviet Union who are subject to the hegemony of the ruling class .
                 From the Latin roots  sub- (" Bellow ") and alternus ( " all others " ) . Subaltern is used to described someone  of low rank or class (as in the cast system ) .

 • subaltern in the play " The purpose " :-
             T. P. Kailasm potrayed the Subaltern society in this play . He puts the character of  Eklavya  into center and Arjuna at the periphery .  Here  T . P. Kailasm give the voice to Eklavya  a lower cast Nishaada boy . Here we find cast conflict between  Arjuna and Eklavya .

Arjuna : (curtly to Eklavya ) Who are you   ? And what do you want here?

Eklavya : I am Nishaada . I come here to     beg of your Guru to help me become the greatest archer in the  world .

Arjuna : ( laughs outright ; Derisively  ) "                 Become the greater archer in the                     world " .  Indeed !  How can you even             for a moment think it possible for a                NISHAADA to become what is almost             impossible even for an ARYA ?!

∆ Write your view about Education system in India  with reference to past and present time .

"Education is not the filling of a pail , but the lighting of a fire ".
~ William Butler Yeats 

      In the education system of ancient period has unique characteristic and qualities which were not found in the ancient education system of any other country in the world.  Gurukul ( ashram) was type of school in ancient India . Residential in nature , with pupil living in proximity to the teacher ( Guru ) . In gurukul  , student would reside together as equal , irrespective of their social standing , learnt from Guru and distribute work in themselves to help the Guru in his day -to-day life . At the end of the studies pupil would be ready to offer gurudakshina ( one time fees) to the Guru . The gurudakshina is a traditional gesture of acknowledgement , respect and thanks . The subjects of the study we're  Vedas , Upnishads darshans , Puran and trakshashtra etc.

        India is country which always gave preference to education . In the present time Indian education system has two types of sectors in  India which provides education namely the private and public sector . And Indian education system emphasize competitive spirit . Competition teaches students to unleash thair full potential . And the students and teachers used different technologies introduced in learning such as use of internet connection .

∆ If Dronacharya an ideal teacher ? If            yes  then how ? And if No , then why            explain with example .

                Yes , according to my point of view T . P . Kailasm's Dronacharya is an ideal teacher .  In Kailasm's play  it is a wolf pierced with Eklavya's arrows . Another significant change that playwright makes is Eklavya's offering him own thumb voluntarily . When Arjuna accuses Acharya Drona of teaching Eklavya secretly and thus not keeping his promise of making him (Arjuna) the suprisu archer in the world .

Eklavya initially says:
      " Gurujee ! You will keep your promise...........and I will stop his mouth forever " .

           So , in this play Dronacharya cannot accept the Eklavya's proposal because of his promise to Arjuna .

Thank you.......