Monday, December 23, 2019

John Keats : Thinking Activity

Hello readers !

                  Welcome to my blog . This blog is part of my thinking activity task given by Heenaba zala ma'am . CLICK HERE to view about to task .

💠 John Keats

Land and Sea , weakness and decline are great separators , but death is the great divorcer for ever ".
John Keats

                     John Keats  was an English romantic poet who lived during the 19th century . In his short- lived life he faced many ordeals and had to witness death and suffering that shaped him as a poet and reflects in his works. John Keats  interested love and death that firmed the essence of him and his creation . He was interested in both of them and even death captivated Keats as much as love . Death played a large and disproportionate role in the life of John Keats . Keats Concept of death is paradoxical in that it must necessarily a encompass a philosophy of life as well. The poet both intensely desired life and intensely desired death. Thus it is not  surprisingly to discover that Keats' attitude toward  death follows two contradictory lines of thoughts, both of which are evidenced in his poetry and letters. The first and more unique attitude is his association of death with things desirable . The four major concept with  which Keats associates death are rebirth and its related theme of sleep and dreams and hope of immorality, love, the transiency of joy and pleasure and also peace.

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