Friday, October 11, 2019

The Neo-classical literature : Assignment - sem 1


PAPER No. 2  The Neoclassical Literature

NAME : Rita Dabhi A.
M. A Sem :- 1
Roll no. :- 28
Topic :- political satire in Gulliver's travel
Enrollment no. :- 2069108420200007
Submitted :Department of English ,
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

∆ Introduction :-

           Gulliver's travel is written by  famous Irish writer and clergyman  Jonathan Swift (1607-1745) . Swift was a versatile genius and also he is influenced by the society . He is regarded by the  Encyclopedia Britannica as the foremost prose satirist in the English language . Swift was master of two style of satire like , Horatian and Juvenalian style . In his entire life he wrote so many great remarkable works like ,

A Tale of a Tub ( 1704 )
An Against Abolishing Christianity   (1712 )
Gulliver's Travel ( 1726 )
A Modest proposal ( 1729 )

         We all know that Gulliver's travel is a masterpiece of Swift. Although Swift professed to hate the species called 'man',he loved individuals . Gulliver's travels, apart from its great merit as a classic for children, is a satire on human nature. And  Gulliver's travel is a full- length work and it is divided Into four parts . And it is a work of satire .in this book we find the journey of Gulliver's travel . The first is Liliput the land of tiny people and in the first voyage he satirize on two political party whig and Tories . Second voyage  is Brobdingnag the land of Giants people is the satire on mean less people, The third one is the flying island of laputa is satire on the philosopher and the scientist and the fourth one is the land of Houyhnhnms is the satire on the denunciation of human species . So , let's discuss the political satire in Gulliver's travel .

             Gulliver's travel is an allegorical satire . The full title of the work is Gulliver's travel , or Travel Into Several Remote Nations of the World . And Gulliver's travel records the pretended four voyages of one Lemuel Gulliver , first a surgeon , and then a captain of  several ships . In Gulliver's travel Jonathan Swift  present the picture of current political situation  in a satirical way .
               So , first I would like to discuss about the satire .  According to Jonathan Swift "satire as a sort of glass wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own , which is the chief reason for that kind of reception it meets in the world , and that so  very few are offended by it . " In Gulliver's travel Swift expresses his Political satire to show the dark and evil side and correction of Politics or politician of the 18th century England with a view to correcting them in a humorous way . In the first two parts of Gulliver's travel Swift used Political satire . Let's see ,

PartI ( Lilliput ) :-

       Lilliput is representation of  English politics. In the first part Swift to use exaggeration sarcasm  and symbolism to present his satire in the story . in the first part Jonathan Swift used the emperor of Lilliput  they are only six inch high and whose mind is limited as his body in small to satirize the greed , corruption and war mongering of England's King George I   and Queen Anne . And here we find the difference between Gulliver and the Lilliputians . Gulliver was more powerful and giant . And the Gulliver was much stronger than the nation Lilliput   where Gulliver becomes the prisoner when Gulliver is surprised , " at the intrepidity of these diminutive mortals , who dare venture to mount and walk upon my body ". The chapter V of part I Swift also use the conflict between Lilliput and Blefuscu to reflect the pointless dispute between Britain and France . Lilliput stand for England and Blefuscu  stand for France . Here the England was representing the country of the protestant and France was representing the country of Catholic .
             In this part the tone with which Gulliver tells the  story is serious . And the Lilliputians are embodiment of the time period . And also in the first part of Gulliver's travels Swift satirizes upon The high heels and the low heels  which means that times two great parties like Whigs and Tories party of the English politics . And also in Gulliver's travel Swift primarily concerned with the Whig politician and Politics . And chapter  III in book I Swift was the satirize the War of the Spanish Succession .

PART II( Brobdingnag ) :-

  The Brobdingnag is second part of Gulliver's travel . we find that this is  another journey of Gulliver. And this is the land of giant people . Here Gulliver was very tiny person . And we find that in the Brobdingnag Gulliver was powerless and everything is done upon an enormous scale. And also Brobdingnag is totally opposite of the Lilliput .In the book II Jonathan Swift satirizes immortal English man and rather than  abstract immorality , their behaviors and also some politically issue and humanity are more obvious . And we find he is not satirise and against any particular party person and politician . In the second part Gulliver was introduced that the king of Brobdingnag , who use of gunpowder and cannons as a tool of Political power . And Gulliver introduced the king was the most powerful tool of welfare  and the king was control his own people . when Gulliver explain the way that politicians gain their position in English governments . And Jonathan Swift analysis of the politician . The king conclude that the only thing needed to be a legislator are " ignorance , idleness and the voice " . And in this part we see that the rising England.

To sum up :-

           thus , Swift uses satire to highlight the allegorical elements in his tale  and thus the allegory functions and an excellent vehicle of criticism of the English government and its activities. The  allegory and satire, in a sense, are interwoven inextricably and deftly . Here we find characters and actions in the text represent people and events in the real life . Gulliver's travel is a political allegory in which the text contains symbol reference is to actual people and the event in 18th century England . Many readers familiar with 18th century politics of England see in the book revision of those events .


        THANK YOU......     

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