Friday, October 11, 2019

Renaissance literature :assignment -sem 1


Name : Rita Dabhi
Sem : 1
Roll no. : 28
Enrollment no. : 2069108420200007
Topic : Themes of PARADISE LOST
Batch : 2019-2021
Submitted : Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar university


∆ Brief introduction about author :
   ∆    John Milton :
He was born on 9th December 1608 and died on 8 November 1674. He was English poet , pamphleteer and historian .John Milton and Shakespeare are the two figures that tower conspicuously above the goodly leadership fellowship of men who have made our literature famous . He was a rare combination of scholar and businessman a radical puritan in politics and religion and lover of art and literature .  He gets a brief course at the famous ST. Paul School in London was the prelude to Milton's entrance to Christ's College Cambridge .He was well known for his Paradise Lost , written in blank verse. In his entire life Milton wrote many great work like ,

  • "Paradise lost" ( published: 1667)
  • "Comus" (1634)
  • "Lycidas"1637)
  • "Paradise regained"
  • "Of education"
  • "Samson Agonistes " etc.

Paradise lost :

     Paradise Lost is an epic in a blank verse. It was finished in 1665 after 7 years labor in the darkness. With great difficulty he found a publisher and for the great work, the first version of Paradise Lost published in 1667, now the paradise lost is the most honoured poem in our literature. The epic poem concerned with the biblical story of the "Fall of man" and a noble invocation for light and divine guidance . Then beginning the account of Satan and the rebel Angels, their banishment from heaven , and also temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden . In the Paradise Lost book IX is the story of temptation by Satan following the account in Genesis .in book IX of Paradise Lost is the most crucial one for understanding milton's presentation of the disobedience and fall of man . The book X records the divine judgement upon Adam and Eve shows the construction by sin and death of highway through to the earth shaitan returns to pandemonium.  Adam and Eve repent of their disobedience and Satan and his angels are returns into serpents . Book XI The Almighty accepts Adam's repentance but condemned him to be banished from Paradise. Book XII Adam and Eve are comforted by hearing of the future redemption of their race . The poems ends they wonder forth out of Paradise and the door close behind them . So this is the story of Paradise Lost, so let's discuss the themes of paradise lost ,

various themes of paradise lost :
Disobedience :-

        Disobedience is the first major theme of the paradise lost . The title of the poem Paradise Lost itself suggest that the  poem's main theme will be "man's first disobedience". even though he refers to men's disobedience in the first line of the epic itself he deals with it only in book IX ,

"Of man's first disobedience ,and the fruit of that forbidden tree was the moral test brought death into the world and all our woe"

And here Milton was narrated the story of Adam and Eve's disobedience . Here in the poem we find the Milton's argument upon disobedience and obedient. In the preface to his book Milton says that he has to perform "a sad task " and change the "notes to tragic ". Here is a concept of heroism is a totally different from that of the martial  spirit of the old epics and the chivalry of the mediaeval romances . In the paradise lost we find that Milton's imagination of universe is heaven is top , hell is the bottom and the earth is in between hierarchical place . The paradise lost present two moral part third one can take after disobedience the downward spiral of increasing sin and degradation, , represented by Satan . and road to redemption is represented by Adam and Eve . And also find that Eve and Adam are the first humans  to disobey God and God's first creation of disobey is Satan . In the first part of the paradise lost Milton was saw that disobedience leads to breakdown of hierarchical or social order with the consequences. And Milton was said that obeying an inferior and disobedient is a superior . When eating the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve acquire knowledge of the discerning type but it also brings them inconveniences. They realise for the first time that they are naked and it is a wrong to move about in that state. Adam has lost his glorious innocence . Adam has to exercise his free will in the right direction , of worshipping God chooses to violate God's command. Force upon a free will has no place  in heaven. Adam's relationship with God, Eve's relationship with Adam, all these are governed by free will being used properly the obscuring of reason lead to his Fall . Disobedience and disruption of the correct order result in sin and death .

Justification of ways of God to man:-

            Internal problem providence change the story two different level . And in the world Death note come but sacrifice of son step forward with the open offer himself to death in order to defeat Death. And through the son God able to give divine justice with salvation and mercy without the Fall of man the divine of the grass and love would never demonstrated . And also we know that in the Paradise Lost Eve and Adam was an only responsible for fall of men. And they are disobeyed God, mercy ,grace and salvation through the all mankind , actually another way we find there the Fall of man is producing the new love from God to men . Through this theme Milton was given the final idea that the son's sacrifice with overcomes death gives men  the new chance to achieve salvation. As Adam was said that,

" O goodness infinite ,goodness immense !/that all this good of evil  shall produce /and I will turn to good".(XII 469+471)   

The Evil turns into good and The Fall of man's fact shows the justice of God's action . And God was the superior thing in the universe and should always obeyed in the paradise lost .

Hierarchical nature of the universe :
          Milton's Paradise Lost is about much as it is about obedience . In his Paradise Lost Milton's  imagination of universe is the heaven is above hell is below and the earth is a middle . Entire universe hierarchy based on proximity to God and his grace . And we find this spatial hierarchy lead to social hierarchy like human beings animals Angels and also devil (Satan). And in Milton's Paradise Lost book XI , XII we find many examples of disobedience to God and the universe hierarchy . And also we find that humankind is a corruption God's hierarchy before The Fall of Eve  and Adam .

* To sum up :-

              Milton's Paradise Lost is a colossal epic , not of a man or a hero,  but of a whole race of men . And in the paradise lost we find that the diction in book IX has an approximation to the spoken language. The verge here is a simple and direct with its particular range of sensibility . Here Milton feels that man's fall is tragic . After having described the traditional bliss  of men and women in book IV he now should present theory fall in book IX . By transgressing God's command Adam brings into this world Sin , death and misery . And apart from these themes we find other themes like same bride and innocence. And book IX of Paradise Lost is the most crucial one of the understanding Milton's presentation of disobedience and fall of man .

Literary Theory and criticism Assignment Sem 1

Literary theory and criticism

Dabhi Rita A.
M. A Sem :- 1
Roll no. :- 28
Topic :- William Wordsworth's preface to lyrical ballads.
Enrollment no. :- 2069108420200007
Submitted :-Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

  • William Wordsworth's preface to lyrical ballads:
William Wordsworth :-
         William Wordsworth was born in 1770 and died in  1850 . He was a great poet in the English literature . And with the help of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's he wrote his great and well known work  lyrical ballads. And after he launched the great romantic movement . Also in English literature we find the large number of poetry written by him . And Wordsworth's work provide the great influence on the human mind and nature . The Wordsworth lyrical ballads is a collection of poems And its first published in 1798 . In his life he wrote so many remarkable works like ,

Works of Wordsworth
The solitary reaper
Lyrical ballads
Tintern Abbey
Peter Bell
The Recluse
Simon Lee
                          The Kitten At play

    Lyrical ballad :-    
                   Lyrical ballad is is a collection of poems by William Wordsworth and Coleridge . And second second edition of lyrical ballad published in 1802 .

And he preface to defend himself from the narrative review. And he said that poetry should be written in the real language of the common man and common man's life , rather than in the lofty and elaborate diction that where then consider" poetic" and Wordsworth believes that the poet is a man speaking to men and the first principle of the poetry is  always give pleasure and happiness. All the human sympathy the deserted is based on a subtle pleasure principle that is the naked "and native dignity of man ".
            Wordsworth was  elaborate his idea in the "preface" to the 1800 and 1802 edition Wordsworth main idea of a 'new theory of poetry'. The subject matter of poetry should be composed in a formal style . Wordsworth was used many Themes like the lives of men and women, farmers, labour and poor etc . And in his poetry we find that Wordsworth used  strong negative element . so let's discuss Wordsworth's view on the theme and subject matter of poetry . Also he portray the real condition of all human being .

Subject matter of poetry :-

                Here we find two types of subject matter of poetry , let's discuss in brief

  (1) Object

(2) Humble and rustic life

#Object :-
       Object is the first principle . then this poem was chosen many incident and situation from day to day life of common man's and the situation of language is really used by men . According to Wordsworth the poet  is a man speaks to men .
∆ Humble and rustic life :
                              This is another type of subject matter of poetry . The humble and rustic life was chosen because in that condition the intention Passion of the had found a better soil in which dekhen attend there maturity are under restraint and speak more emphatic language . The humble and rustic life represent the condition of human beings life and also manners of rural life .

Definition of poetry :-
                According to Wordsworth , good poetry is the spontaneous overflow feeling: and though this be  true Poems to which any value can be attached were never produced on any variety of subjects but by a man who, being possessed more than usual organic sensibility, had also thought long and deeply .

∆ What is poet :-
           In the Wordsworth preface to lyrical ballad he doesn't ask who is poet  but he asks what is the poet? in his book .He said that a poet is man is speaking to man. Endowed with more lively sensibility which means poet although romantic place a lot of importance on the inheritance talents within a person to come up with poetry that kind of talent missing in the other person . Here we find that Wordsworth was as great knowledge of human nature through their feelings, emotions and pleasures . And he is a man who pleased with his own passion and violent . he says that poets are always create new things, that's why they are creators. Poet has the more comprehensive soul and who rejoice more than other men in the spirit of life and he is a participation in the essences of life then the spirit of of life this much more than the ordinary human being are the and then finally he is a heavy jewellery impelled  to create volition patients situations were themselves do not exist .

∆  The function of poetry :-

    According to Wordsworth ,
                   "poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge the  impassioned expression on that is the countenance of all science".

                Here we find that poetry is one instrument of representation of moral thoughts and ideas. And  also poet should be a one teacher who teach us moral lesson of human life , the condition of their situation Here in his definition he shows the example of morning star and he said that morning star which throws radians through the gloominess and darkness of human beings life. The poet brings deep  philosophical truth about a sophisticated society, religion and life and also here we find that Wordsworth believe that

"a poetry of revolt against moral idea is a poetry of revolt against life; a poetry of  indifference towards moral idea is a poetry of indifference toward lifes ".

Language (style of poetry) :-
                           Here in the preface to the Lyrical Ballads Wordsworth who described the language as a style of poetry and the language of poetry should be really used by men. And the language of men in a state of vivid sensation in the poet always give the colour of his imagination through the language . And the power of imagination he put the words for his composition . Rational and Political communication always inspired poets .
And poet always try to use philosophical language in his poetry .

To sum up :-
           So, Wordsworth's poetic Creed initiated the romantic era and in the English literature we find that the large number of poems written by him. Preface to lyrical ballads Wordsworth who defend himself from the negative review. And Wordsworth poetry should be written in a real language of  common man and also he gave the many arguments upon what is poet? and also poetic diction the measure of his poems are considered as experiments . Always said poet is a man speaking to men . The main theme of lyrical ballad is written to the original state of nature and was always corrupted by the influence of society and religion . He always put in his poetry philosophical argument and language . And he always tries to put realistic and ordinary language of people, and also their realistic life .

The Neo-classical literature : Assignment - sem 1


PAPER No. 2  The Neoclassical Literature

NAME : Rita Dabhi A.
M. A Sem :- 1
Roll no. :- 28
Topic :- political satire in Gulliver's travel
Enrollment no. :- 2069108420200007
Submitted :Department of English ,
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

∆ Introduction :-

           Gulliver's travel is written by  famous Irish writer and clergyman  Jonathan Swift (1607-1745) . Swift was a versatile genius and also he is influenced by the society . He is regarded by the  Encyclopedia Britannica as the foremost prose satirist in the English language . Swift was master of two style of satire like , Horatian and Juvenalian style . In his entire life he wrote so many great remarkable works like ,

A Tale of a Tub ( 1704 )
An Against Abolishing Christianity   (1712 )
Gulliver's Travel ( 1726 )
A Modest proposal ( 1729 )

         We all know that Gulliver's travel is a masterpiece of Swift. Although Swift professed to hate the species called 'man',he loved individuals . Gulliver's travels, apart from its great merit as a classic for children, is a satire on human nature. And  Gulliver's travel is a full- length work and it is divided Into four parts . And it is a work of satire .in this book we find the journey of Gulliver's travel . The first is Liliput the land of tiny people and in the first voyage he satirize on two political party whig and Tories . Second voyage  is Brobdingnag the land of Giants people is the satire on mean less people, The third one is the flying island of laputa is satire on the philosopher and the scientist and the fourth one is the land of Houyhnhnms is the satire on the denunciation of human species . So , let's discuss the political satire in Gulliver's travel .

             Gulliver's travel is an allegorical satire . The full title of the work is Gulliver's travel , or Travel Into Several Remote Nations of the World . And Gulliver's travel records the pretended four voyages of one Lemuel Gulliver , first a surgeon , and then a captain of  several ships . In Gulliver's travel Jonathan Swift  present the picture of current political situation  in a satirical way .
               So , first I would like to discuss about the satire .  According to Jonathan Swift "satire as a sort of glass wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own , which is the chief reason for that kind of reception it meets in the world , and that so  very few are offended by it . " In Gulliver's travel Swift expresses his Political satire to show the dark and evil side and correction of Politics or politician of the 18th century England with a view to correcting them in a humorous way . In the first two parts of Gulliver's travel Swift used Political satire . Let's see ,

PartI ( Lilliput ) :-

       Lilliput is representation of  English politics. In the first part Swift to use exaggeration sarcasm  and symbolism to present his satire in the story . in the first part Jonathan Swift used the emperor of Lilliput  they are only six inch high and whose mind is limited as his body in small to satirize the greed , corruption and war mongering of England's King George I   and Queen Anne . And here we find the difference between Gulliver and the Lilliputians . Gulliver was more powerful and giant . And the Gulliver was much stronger than the nation Lilliput   where Gulliver becomes the prisoner when Gulliver is surprised , " at the intrepidity of these diminutive mortals , who dare venture to mount and walk upon my body ". The chapter V of part I Swift also use the conflict between Lilliput and Blefuscu to reflect the pointless dispute between Britain and France . Lilliput stand for England and Blefuscu  stand for France . Here the England was representing the country of the protestant and France was representing the country of Catholic .
             In this part the tone with which Gulliver tells the  story is serious . And the Lilliputians are embodiment of the time period . And also in the first part of Gulliver's travels Swift satirizes upon The high heels and the low heels  which means that times two great parties like Whigs and Tories party of the English politics . And also in Gulliver's travel Swift primarily concerned with the Whig politician and Politics . And chapter  III in book I Swift was the satirize the War of the Spanish Succession .

PART II( Brobdingnag ) :-

  The Brobdingnag is second part of Gulliver's travel . we find that this is  another journey of Gulliver. And this is the land of giant people . Here Gulliver was very tiny person . And we find that in the Brobdingnag Gulliver was powerless and everything is done upon an enormous scale. And also Brobdingnag is totally opposite of the Lilliput .In the book II Jonathan Swift satirizes immortal English man and rather than  abstract immorality , their behaviors and also some politically issue and humanity are more obvious . And we find he is not satirise and against any particular party person and politician . In the second part Gulliver was introduced that the king of Brobdingnag , who use of gunpowder and cannons as a tool of Political power . And Gulliver introduced the king was the most powerful tool of welfare  and the king was control his own people . when Gulliver explain the way that politicians gain their position in English governments . And Jonathan Swift analysis of the politician . The king conclude that the only thing needed to be a legislator are " ignorance , idleness and the voice " . And in this part we see that the rising England.

To sum up :-

           thus , Swift uses satire to highlight the allegorical elements in his tale  and thus the allegory functions and an excellent vehicle of criticism of the English government and its activities. The  allegory and satire, in a sense, are interwoven inextricably and deftly . Here we find characters and actions in the text represent people and events in the real life . Gulliver's travel is a political allegory in which the text contains symbol reference is to actual people and the event in 18th century England . Many readers familiar with 18th century politics of England see in the book revision of those events .


        THANK YOU......     

Indian writing in English: assignment sem 1

Paper : Indian writing in English

Name : Rita Dabhi
Roll no. :28
Enrollment no. : 2069108420200007
Topic : The Character of Eklavya in The PURPOSE
Submitted : Department of English
    Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji   Bhavnagar university   

The Character of Eklavya  in the purpose by T P Kailasam  :-

"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world that is the myth of the atomic age as in being able to remake ourselves".

About Author :-

                The purpose is written by T.P. Kailasam . T P Kailasam's full name was Thanjavur Paramasiva Kailasam . He was born on 29 July 1884, Mysore , India and died in 1946, Bangalore, Karnataka, India . He was a great geologist, playwright like and also prominent writer of Karnataka theatrical comedy earned him the title Prahasana Prapitamaha, the "the father of humorous play .and later then he also called the Kannadakke Obbane Kailasam meaning of the sentence is " one and Kailasam for Kannada". In most of his plays we find that he initially criticised for modern use of the Kannada language in his play. T P Kailasam was known for wit and satirical commentary on the society . Kailasam was wrote many well known plays in Kannada  and English. His most famous works in English and kannada are :
The purpose
The Brahmin's Curse etc.

Makala School Manu Alava
Sikarni Savithri
Sathavana Santhapa
Honinabal Kanirranu etc.

Eklavya's story in Mahabharata  :-
              Eklavya's character comes from the India's great epic Mahabharata and also Eklavya's character is based on the Adi Parva . Eklavya was a prince of Nishadhas and son of Hiranyadhanus , who was king Jarasandh's army commando and leader of the nishadas . In the Mahabharata we find that Eklavya was want to learn archery to save sweet and innocent deer and other animal's life in the forest . And also he want to learn archery from Guru Dronacharya but Dronacharya was rejected only because of Eklavya was belongs to the lower cast . And in the Mahabharata Guru Dronacharya was belongs to the Brahmin's ( higher cast ). He was a teacher of the royal family that's why he only teach archery to prince and kshatriya students . And Arjuna was the disciple of guru Drona in Gurukul . After the rejection of Guru Dronacharya , Eklavya was made the mud statue of Dronacharya . And worshiped it as his own guru. Then he started to learn archery . After many years he learned so many things of archery and he became a great archer . Then after Guru Drona and Arjuna saw Eklavya's ability ,then Drona ask for his Guru. That time Eklavya was said that Drona is my guru . That time Arjuna become angry and he asks Drona what it is? And then Drona was ask Gurudakshina and without any arguments and hesitation Eklavya was gave his thumb to Guru Dronacharya . So , this is the story of Eklavya in Mahabharata here Arjuna was the hero of the epic .

Eklavya's story in the Purpose by T P Kailasam :-

             Here in the play "Purpose"we find that Eklavya was the protagonist of the play . The character of Eklavya comes from the Adi Parva of the Mahabharata . In the play Eklavya was the Nishaada boy .

                In the play he wants to learn archery from Guru Dronacharya. Here we saw that his main purpose was to save sweet and innocent deer and other animals in the forest .when Eklavya came for the first time in Drona's ashram he saw Arjuna and guru Drona, at that time guru Drona was teaching archery to Arjuna . And that time Arjuna's main aim to learn archery is,

"To become a greater archer in the world".
And also
"To attain fame as an  archer! No more".

Here we find that Arjuna's main aim to get Fame and become a great archer in the world and killing people in the war and the other side aim of Eklavya is a pure. Then Eklavya was  heard Drona who says to Arjua ,



Eklavya was trying to learn and understand this word . And when Eklavya was says to Guru Drona to learn archery to become great archer.but Drona was said that but I gave promised to Arjuna that he would make him greatest Archer in the world and throughout the T P Kailasam's play we find that Guru Drona was always used one word for Eklavya that ,

"My Little Man"

Here the word little men also itself suggest that Eklavya was belongs to the poor and lower caste . And in the play we find many dialogues between Arjuna and Eklavya like ,

ARJUNA :  who are you, and what do you want here?
EKLAVYA: I am Nishaada  II came here to beg of you Guru to help me become the great               archer in the world.
ARJUNA : " Become the great archer in the world",indeed! how can you even for a moment think . It possible for a NISHAADA to become what is almost impossible even for an ARYA?!
EKLAVYA :What does it matter if I am a NISHAADA? How does it help you in your archery that you are an ARYA?
ARJUNA: (with disgust his face and voice) like you? I do not like you; I dislike you.

So, here T P Kailasam was put very beautifully each and every dialogue between Arjuna and Eklavya. And T P Kailasam was show the conflict between lower class and upper class . After the rejection of Guru Drona, Eklavya was made mud statue of Guru Dronacharya and then he  started to learn archery and after six years he became the great archer . And then Arjuna and Drona meet Eklavya he saw that Eklavya become great archer . After that Guru Dronacharya ask who is your Guru . And Eklavya said that Drona is my Guru . At that time Arjuna become jealous and  blame Guru Dronacharya that Guru "you have not kept the promise you made!" . That time Eklavya was cut his right thumb, and guru Drona said that ,
DRONA : Little Man! What Have You Done.
And then Eklavya was holding back his tears with great effort and he served thumb at a Drona's feet. Guruji I have done no more than paid my dakshina to you in poor taken of my love and respect for you . And at the end of the play Eklavya was said that,


In the play the purpose we find that Eklavya is a subaltern but TP Kailasam was gave the voice of Eklavya. And he raises voice against Arjuna. Here T P Kailasam was portrayed selfish character of Arjuna and Eklavya was a very loyal and humble towards the guruji .

To sum up :

          In the Mahabharata we find that Eklavya was voiceless and  here in the purpose T P Kailasam was give the voice of Eklavya .And here Eklavya and Arjuna both have different purpose . In the purpose we find T P Kailasam used many critical things like conflict between upper class and lower class, philosophical ideas , Eklavya as a subaltern and also Nietzsche's concept of truth etc.  T P Kailasam was here in his play he portrayed the character of Arjuna as a rude arrogant and anti hero of the play. And Eklavya was the hero of the play and the his purpose was very pure .
