Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Bonfire ( Holika Dahan)

 Hello readers !

                 Welcome to my blog. This perticular blog is part of my Sunday reading task. Here I have to put my views about the Bonfire or Holika Dahan. We all know that India also sees a large number of festivals, mainly because of the prevalence of diverse religions and groups.       

💠 Myth of Holika Dahan      

~ PC by Me

                  The triumph of good over evil is a tried and tested theme resurfacing in early scriptures time and again. Holi is one such festival with the prime theme of good beating away evil.

             According to the Hindu mythology : Legend goes that Lord Vishnu had assassinated the younger brother of the demon lord, Hiranyakashipu. Apart from avenging his brother’s death, the demon king had the ulterior motive of ruling the heaven, the earth, and the underworld by defeating Vishnu. Powered by a boon granted to him, Hiranyakashipu thought he had become invincible. On his orders, his whole state started praying him, dismissing the gods. But his son, Prahalad, maintained his deity to be none but Vishnu. Angered, the tyrant king decided to kill Prahalad with the help of Holika, Hiranyakashipu’s sister, who was immune to fire. A pyre was lit and Holika sat on it, clutching Prahalad. But Prahalad emerged out of the fire unscathed, whereas Holika burned to ashes. Hiranyakashipu, too, was eventually killed by Vishnu. Even today, the story of Holika is re-enacted by actors on Holi. Bonfires across the country are lit up to celebrate the burning away of the evil spirits.

            Apart from india we all know that many other countries ate also celebrate bonefire festival. but their rituals and beliefs are deferent.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Approaches and Methods of Second Language Acquisition.


ELT :1            

  • Dabhi Rita A.
  • M. A Sem :- 3
  • Roll no. :- 20
  • Topic : Approaches and Methods of Second Language Acquisition.
  • email :
  • Enrollment no. :- 2069108420200007
  • Submitted : Department of English , 
  • Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

💠Approaches and Methods of Second Language Acquisition.

💠 Introduction :

                    In this globalization English language serves the students with great deal. The role and influence of English today are gaining a higher speed in the world. The practices in language teaching are based on the theories concerning the nature of language and language learning. These theories together form the first component of a method. The theories are practices and used as a teaching method. The instructor can have a clear vision on theories to implement them in the classroom. Various approaches and methods played a vital role in the second language acquisition. 

                      So, let's discuss various approaches and methods one by one...

💠Approaches :-

Structural Approach :

                Through the structural approach we can learn English or any other language fluently. structural approach teaches to learn sentences in a systematic manner which involves the structure, sequencing and pattern arrangement of a words to make a proper and complete sentences with meaning. The basic principle underlying the approach is: Language is speech, not writing. Structural Approach is not a method of teaching. This approach focuses on the question as what to teach in language. The teacher can use any method to teach the structures. Structural Approach means arranging the words to form a correct sentence. Which is very important in English.

For example :


a) The young man married the foolish girl. 

 b) The foolish man married the young girl. 


                  The word ordered in English to be fixed. But Change of word order result in change of meaning or sentences. This arrangement is called a Structure. The principles of structural approach are giving importance to speech in learning language. A structure is taught in a meaningful situation. It gives Importance to pupil's activity and not the activity of teaching.     

Situational Approach :

          We all know that language is a product of situation and without appropriate situation there is no language with true sense. Our mind itself gets active only by situation. The situational approach indicates as to how a teacher should create a real situation in the classroom. Pattison in his book, „Modern Methods of Language Teaching‟ says at the main principles of language learning is contextualization. Every structure is practiced in situation. There are two kinds of situation. They are Real situation and Artificial situation. 

  1. Real Situation : To learn a foreign language, the learner may visit the area where it spoken. They may get a lot of real situations to learn the structure and vocabulary. In this process, learning becomes meaningful and purposeful.


  2. Artificial Situation : In some cases, the real situation may not be possible. So the teacher can create the situation in the classroom. This situation leads them to learn the structure and vocabulary. This is an artificial situation. 

🔹Here we can find many merits or demerits of the situational approach like,

∆ Merits of the Situational Approach

(1) It creates interest among the students.

(2)Action chains make the classroom atmosphere lively.

(3) Emphasis is given on learning by play.

(4)Lot of examples can be given.

(5) Lot of material aid is used to make the learning stable and interesting.

(6) The teacher can make his illustrations clear by using various materials or by pictures etc.

(7) Stress is given on learning through hearing.

∆ Demerits of the Situational Approach

(1) It is suitable only in the lower classes as this approach cannot be made applicable to the 

senior classes.

(2) Text books cannot be taught by this method.

(3) Only well selected sentence patterns can be taught by this approach.

(4) That minimum makes the classroom dull.

(5) Trained teachers are required for it.

(6) Prose, poetry, rapid reader etc. cannot be taught through this approach.

(7) Sometimes it becomes difficult to relate the statement of the teacher with the created 


The Communicative Approach

                           The Communicative Approach, also known as communicative language teaching (CLT). Communicative language teaching emphasizes “self-direction for the learners”. A language is needed to communicate some functions like arguing, persuading and promising. A speaker can choose a particular way to express his intention. It is done through the interaction between the speaker and the learner. Structure and vocabulary are given importance for communication. Target Language is used in communicative approach without banning Native Language. Communicative Approach advocates the use of authentic language materials like Newspaper article, radio or Television in order to avoid the problems. In this approach, the learners are given scrambled sentences to arrange in proper way. It is an active centred approach. This approach develops the fluency in speaking. 

Natural Approach :

        The natural approach is a method of language teaching developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell in the late 1970s and early 1980s. In the natural approach, language output is not forced, but allowed to emerge spontaneously after students have attended to large amounts of comprehensible language input. It is a language teaching approach which acts as a reproduction of the way how human being acquires the native language. This approach follows the communicative approach to language teaching. This approach views communication is the primary function of language. Natural approach belongs to traditional approach of language acquisition. The naturalistic feature of first language acquisition is utilized in second language acquisition. 

◼️ Methods :

              A method is a plan for presenting the language material to be learned, and should be based upon a selected approach. In order for an approach to be translated into a method, an instructional system must be designed considering the objectives of the teaching/ or earning. Here we can find many methods like,

  • Grammar Translation Method
  • Direct Method
  • Audio-lingual Method

So, let's discuss these methods one by one.

🔸 Grammar Translation Method :

                   Grammar Translation Method also known as the Classical Method. And It is the oldest method of teaching English.The grammar–translation method is a method of teaching foreign languages derived from the classical (sometimes called traditional) method of teaching Ancient Greek and Latin. In grammar–translation classes, students learn grammatical rules and then apply those rules by translating sentences between the target language and the native language. Advanced students may be required to translate whole texts word-for-word. The method has two main goals: to enable students to read and translate literature written in the source language, and to further students' general intellectual development. In this method, the English teachers will translate each and every word, phrase, and sentence into English from Mother Tongue. This method is used when the English language started in countries. This method gives more importance to writing skill rather than speaking. Reading and writing is given importance. All the skills are not used properly.

🔸 Direct Method :

               Direct Method, also known as the ‘oral‘ or ‘natural‘ method, originated around the 1900s as an alternative to the traditional grammatical translation method. Direct method is a method of teaching a foreign language without the link of mother tongue. Direct method does not focus the structure of grammar. It gives importance to speaking skill. In this method English is taught by conversation. A lot of practice in hearing and speaking the language is imparted. The students are given phonetic knowledge. There is no use of mother tongue in the method. It gives importance to the unit of sentence and not the individual words. Grammar rules are taught inductively. Vocabulary is taught not by giving special care but it is given through speech activity. New words are taught with the help of objects or pictures. This method improves the pronunciation. Audio visual aids are used in order to give interest.

🔸 Audio lingual Method :

            Originally this method is called 'armyl' method. This method emerged at the end of 1950s. During this time foreign language was given great attention. Learner listen to the recording of language and models to get familiar with the language. The features of Audio lingual methods are  

  • Learner can practice various drills in target language 
  • Language lab is introduced as an important teaching aid  
  • Learner use only the target language and not the mother tongue  
  • Dialogues are given importance
  •  It focuses on all the skills.

◼️ Conclusion :-

            So, There are various methods and approaches,which are being used in the process of language teaching and learning. Flipped classroom is one such model, which has grown in popularity and effectiveness across disciplines and levels. The unique features of this method are about taking learning beyond the classroom context, variety of activities in the classroom, collaborative teaching and learning and so on. Likewise, natural approach of teaching English language is an effective approach, which advocates for an idea of learning language naturally and more importantly, without much emphasis on grammar. This study proposes a modality with the combination of natural approach and flipped classroom model for teaching English language.Also, a process chart for the application of this method has been proposed for the teacher. They can use it as it is or alter it suiting their class-room context.

💠 Work cite :

  • A. Delbio, and M. Ilankumaran. PDF Theories, Techniques, Methods and Approaches of Second Language Acquisition: a Psychological Perspective. July 2018, 
  • Sam, Praveen. Natural Approach of Teaching English Language on a Flipped ... July 2016, 
  • Wm. H. Carpenter. “The 'Natural Method' of Language-Teaching.” Science, vol. 8, no. 203, 1886, pp. 611–615. JSTOR, Accessed 29 Nov. 2020.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

What is Absurd Theatre ? "Waiting For Godot" as Absurd play.



Modernist Literature

  • Dabhi Rita A.
  • M. A Sem :- 3
  • Roll no. :- 20
  • Topic :- What is Absurd Theatre ? "Waiting For Godot" as Absurd play.
  • email :
  • Enrollment no. :- 2069108420200007
  • Submitted : Department of English , 
  • Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

💠What is Absurd theatre? Justify "Waiting For Godot" as Absurd play.

Keywords : Introduction , What is Absurd Theatre , Waiting For Godot as absurd play, Conclusion.

💠Introduction :

                         The play "Waiting for Godot" written by Samuel Beckett (April 13, 1906 - December 22, 1989). This play written in French 1948, is a play dedicated to the absurd. This work is based on the belief that the universe is irrational and meaningless and the search for order brings the individual into conflict with the universe. "Waiting for Godot" is the best example of absurd literature where leafless tree and no development of plot show human condition. So, this play totally deals with the life of a modern man and it's purposeless life. “Waiting for Godot” is one of the masterpieces of Absurdist literature. Elements of Absurdity for making this play are so engaging and lively. Beckett combats the traditional notions of Time. It attacks the two main ingredients of the traditional views of Time and Memory. 

                   So, first let's discuss what is the meaning of Absurd theatre.

💠 What is Absurd theatre :-

              The phrase ‘The Theatre of Absurd’ or ‘Absurd Drama’ gained currency after Martin Esslin’s book ‘The Theatre of Absurd’ was published in 1961. Esslin points out that there is no such thing as a regular movement of Absurd dramatists. The Theatre of the Absurd delineates the insoluble problem called “identity crisis” though humans put in vigorous effort in searching for an answer to the question, “who am I?” (Esslin 53). Here we can not find any clear definition of theater of absurd. However, Martin Esslin provided an informal definition of absurd plays and “absurd theater” in following words:

          "If a good play must have a cleverly constructed story, these [plays of absurd] have no story or plot to speak of; a good play is judged by subtlety of characterization and motivation, these are often without recognizable characters and present the audience with almost mechanical puppets; a good play has to have a fully explained theme, which is neatly exposed and finally solved, these often have neither a beginning nor an end; if a good play is to hold the mirror up to nature and portray the manners and mannerisms of the age in finely observed sketches, these seem often to be reflections of dreams and nightmares; if a good play relies on witty repartee and pointed dialogue, these often consist of incoherent babblings.”

💠 Characteristics of the absurd play :-

                      Here we can find out some characteristics of the absurd play which plays a vital role in the absurd play. 

  • No story or plot
  • Neither a proper beginning nor ending
  • No characterization and motivation
  • Unexplained themes
  • Useless dialogues
  • Imitation of dreams or nightmares instead of nature

💠“Waiting for Godot” as an Absurd Play :

                      Samuel Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’ belongs to the tradition of the Theatre of Absurd. In the play, practically nothing happens, no development is to be found, there is no beginning and no end. In the play we find out that the entire action boils down in an absurd setting of a country side road with two tramps Vladimir and Estragon who simply idle away their time waiting for Godot, about whom they have only vague ideas. 

◾No story or plot :

                       The play "Waiting For Godot" is divided into two acts, but there is no beginning and no end. The play does not tell any story nor does it has a plot. The play starts with waiting and ends with it. Characters do not go anywhere. They stand still in front of the audience and do nothing except passing the ball. They talk and pass the time. The play lacks action.Vladimir and Estragon wait for Godot and the audience perceive that perhaps the real story of the play will start after Godot’s arrival but Godot does not appear on stage nor is he introduced to the audience. 

◾ “Waiting for Godot” is Absurd Play due to Lack of Characterization :

                    Beckett’s deliberate efforts result in displaying the presence of Vladimir and Estragon on the bare stage stripped of any social position or historical context. We don't know past of the characters. The barren stage stands symbolic to the universe where the two tramps are thrown to confront with the basic situations of their existence and undergo through the dilemma of choices and expectations. And this situation ultimately makes Vladimir and Estragon passive and impotent before time.We know only their names and their miserable situation. Their motifs are unclear. Thus they surrender themselves to the ‘absurd waiting’ for Godot. Often they grow tedious of the wait and decide to go but they fail as they say : 

Estragon:- I’m tired! Let’s go. 

Vladimir:- We can’t 

Estragon:- why not 

Vladimir:- We are waiting for Godot. 

(Act 1 )                   

◾No Beginning and End:

                      "Waiting For Godot" has no beginning and no end.It starts with a waiting and ends with it. Both acts start and end in the same way. It is a journey from nothingness to nothingness. Vladimir and Estragon, show the condition of modern men and they live a meaningless life. They are waiting for a person whose name is Godot and they do not know about Godot who Godot is and will he come or not.They say they are waiting but Godot does not come and the act ends with waiting. Valdimir and Estragon’s dialogues also revolve around one thing. tructurally the play is of two acts and the second act is the replica of the first. 

 “Nothing happens, nobody comes … nobody goes, it’s awful!”.

◾Useless Dialogues Make “Waiting for Godot” as an Absurd Play:

                      Dialogues create action in every play. Action looses its importance without worthy dialogues. In case of “Waiting for Godot ”, no action has been presented, therefore, dialogues are boring and they are written just to pass the ball. Thus, they are meant to pass the time. Word “nothing” has been repeated numerously in the play. It actually indicates nothingness in it. Thus, dialogues of the play are nothing but incoherent babbling. “Waiting for Godot” can be called an absurd play due to this trait of absurd theater. Vladimir and Estragon’s dialogues also revolve around one thing. They repeat the same dialogues in whole drama like,the play concludes with a famous exchange:

 Vladimir: Well Shall We Go

Estragon: Yes Let’s Go.

But they don’t move.  

◾Unexplained Themes:

                          Beckett combats the traditional notions of time. The principal theme of the play is "waiting", to wait means to experience the action of time "waiting for Godot " is a dramatic statement of the human situation itself.In fact Godot is nothing but the name for the fact that the life ,which goes on pointlessly is wrongly interpreted as "waiting for Something", what appears to be the positive attitude of the tramps amounts to be a double negation of their existence. They are unable to recognise the pointlessness of their existence. Apart from this Samuel Beckett who used various important themes like , human condition, absurdism and nihilism, and friendship. The human condition: The hopelessness in Vladimir and Estragon's lives demonstrates the extent to which humans rely on illusions—such as religion, according to Beckett—to give hope to a meaningless existence.

💠 Conclusion :-

               So, This play “Waiting for Godot ” is a masterpiece of the absurd literature. It focuses on the absurdity of life. It describes all the elements of the absurdity through the two main characters “Vladimir” and “Estragon”. This play totally deals with the life of a modern man and discuss the useless existence of a human beings and also discuss that how a modern man live a meaningless and purposeless life. The play has often been interpreted as a parable where Godot stands as God, or for a mythical human being or for the meaning of life, death or 

something eventful. Waiting for Godot deals with the absurdity of man’s existence in this universe. 

💠work cite :

Ahmed, Anwaar. “ANWAAR AHMED.” "Waiting for Godot" as an Absurd Play | Absurd Theater Characteristics, 3 Sept. 2019, 

Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot: a Tragicomedy in Two Acts. Faber & Faber, 2015. 

Esslin, Martin. Theatre of Absurd. Penguin Books, 1968. 

Trivedi, Naveen. Waiting for Godot as an Absurd Play. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Thinking Activity : Da Vinci Code

 Hello readers !

"History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books-books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe. As Napoleon once said, 'What is history, but a fable agreed upon?"

Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code 

            Welcome to my blog. This is my thinking activity task which was assigned by our professor Dr. Dilip Barad.  Click here to view more about this task.....

                        The “Da Vinci Code” is a 2003 blockbuster mystery thriller novel by best known American author Daniel Gerhard Brown widely known as Dan Brown. Though the novel is a very rich in term of symbols and clues, it remains the subject to criticism and intellectual debate. In 2005, Time Magazine’s editors, while naming him one of the 100 Most influential people in World, credited him with, amongst other thing, “keeping the publishing industry afloat; renewing interest in Leonardo da Vinci and early Christian history; and spiking tourism to Paris and Rome”. From this famous novel, under the same name in 2006 mysterious thriller film was directed by Ron Howrad and written by Akiva Goldsman. “Da Vinci Code” movie follows symbologist Robert Langdon as he investigates a murder in Paris’s Louvre Museum and discovers a battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei over the assumptions of Jesus Christ’s marriage with Mary Magdalene.

1.Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith."

Yes, I  agree with what Brown says, The book Da Vinci Code is simply “ an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate”. The fact can't be neglected that from the very beginning of the novel Dan Brown tries to give clues and symbols in order to prove that Christan god Jesus have had a relation with Mary Magdalene, but anyway it’s all about interpretation there are not certain facts.

2. “Although it is obvious that much of what Brown presented in his novel as absolutely true and accurate is neither of those, some of that material is of course essential to the intrigue, and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel's core, the Grail-related material: the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene's marriage, the Priory of Sion, certain aspects of Leonardo's art, and so on[1].” How far do you agree with this observation of Norris J. Lacy?

Yes, definitely I am agree with Norris J.Lacy’s observation. Though whatever Brown presented in his novel is not true or accurate, it seems that it became necessary for him to get certain statements by using symbols to rise certain effect in audience’s mind as well as to get assurance from the part of audience, for this specific purpose intrigue becomes necessary part in to keep the flow of novel. And at the same time a person without having a sense of theology fiction may interpret it in wrong manner. Yah, and I am also agree with second statement that screenwriter Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel’s core.

3.You have studied ‘Genesis’ (The Bible), ‘The Paradise Lost’ (John Milton) and ‘The Da Vinci Code’ (Dan Brown). Which of the narrative/s seem/s to be truthful? Whose narrative is convincing to the contemporary young mind?

      According to me the narrative of 'The Paradis lost' is better narrative than ''The Da Vinci Code' because Milton gave the voice to minor characters like Eve and Satan rather than God and Adam. So, somehow it is convince modern mind because they find the discrimination in the Bible. Whereas 'The Da vinci code' narrative look very far away from truth.

4. What harm has been done to humanity by the biblical narration or that of Milton’s in The Paradise Lose? What sort of damage does narrative like ‘The Vinci Code’ do to humanity?

                  By this kind of narration, people's faith in God can be lost and there is nothing like morality without God. Religion gives us a right path and teach moral lesson. So, if you narrate this kind of story then as Eliot said about spiritual degradation and sexual perversion make waste land. Some People are arguing that people keep on fighting with each other in the name of religion but it is not true because religion is innocent, problem is in humanbieng. These all hatred created by people for their benefit like relegious master and saint for power and wealth. For instance, if we see three major religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism, they all have one root but different master and saint Divergence people in different religion because of power position and jealous. So, throughout the ages this kind of books and people damage the faith on divine thing.

5.What difference do you see in the portrayal of 'Ophelia' (Kate Winslet) in Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, 'Elizabeth' (Helena Bonham Carter) in Kenneth Branagh's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or 'Hester Prynne' (Demi Moore) in Roland Joffé's The Scarlet Letter' or David Yates's 'Harmione Granger' (Emma Watson) in last four Harry Potter films - and 'Sophie Neuve' (Audrey Tautau) in Ron Howard's The Da Vinci Code? How would justify your answer?

                There is not much difference among all the female characters. All the characters have different role and different context. But if we see from the movie's perspective then we can realize that director portrayed all the female characters as brain with beauty but not active like male characters. In every works female characters as intellectual as male characters but they unable to show their talent hence directors show just as beautiful actresess who support male protagonist.

6. Have you come across any similar book/movie, which tries to deconstruct accepted notions about Hindu religion or culture and by dismantling it, attempts to reconstruct another possible interpretation of truth?

Ans. Yes, there are many books and movies which tried to deconstruct accepted notion. For instance, 'The Satanic Verses' by Slaman Rushdie which deconstruct and blasphemy of Islam. Salman Rushdie wrote about three goddesses before Muhammad and said that prophet Muhammad spoke satanic verses. But that is not fact according to authentic history, Quran and Hadith.

7. Do novel / film lead us into critical (deconstructive) thinking about your religion? Can we think of such conspiracy theory about Hindu religious symbols / myths?

           Yes, there are many things and myths in Islam that I do not know how it happened but I will ask this all things with authentic and reliable master or books about Prophet Muhammad's journey to the sky, about prophet Isa(Jesus) that how Mariam(Marry) gave birth to Jesus though she was virgin and pure woman.

8. When we do traditional reading of the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’, Robert Langdon, Professor of Religious Symbology, Harvard University emerges as protagonist and Sir Leigh Teabing, a British Historian as antagonist. Who will claim the position of protagonist if we do atheist reading of the novel?
                    From the point of view of mine, if I do atheist reading of the novel the protagonist will be professor Robert Langdon because he himself said that I can not understand the God. Throughout the novel/movie I coudn't find Langdon had any kind of faith in God, he just solves and decoded the symbols and puzzles and I don't find that atheist attacked on religion like Teabibg. Whereas Sir Leigh Teabing seems anti christian in the novel but why? According to me he is not atheist. There are many reason behind his hatred against Christianity. Jaques Saunier and Teabing were known to each other and I think Teabing want to discover Holy Grail. If he is atheist then why very curious about Holy Grail? Jealous or avenge to Priori of sion is may be a reason behind that. So, I think Teabing not atheist but a religious man who want to reveals the secrets because of revenge.

9.Explain Ann Gray’s three propositions on ‘knowability’ with illustrations from the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’.
a. 1) Identifying what is knowable 
b. 2) identifying and acknowledging the relationship of the knower and the known
c. 3) What is the procedure for ‘knowing’?

1. The very first step is to identify that what is knowable. In the novel, things begins from the symbol of pentacle and identifying the codes of Da Vinci who is famous for keeping secrets in his work of art. Each and every symbols, paintings, object which follows Vinci's design is making some secrets which need to be revealed by the protagonist.

2. The second step in the process is to identify the relationship between the knower and the known. Means who is the knower of secrets, who knows the truth behind the codes and how it get connected with the known things of Vinci. In a way Leigh Teabing knows much about the codes and knows how to decodes things. But his relationship with the secret object known in the end. Langdon at the end decodes the cryptex but keep it secret in front of Teabing. Sophie knows everything about her so called grandfather and how he used to keep secrets and make puzzles, but each things connected in the end of the novel.

3. The last thing is to understand the process of 'knowing'. That is how Sophie and Langdon reached to the final truths by decoding each and every object in between. From the symbol of pentacle on the chest of Sauniere till the end to decoding the truth behind the Holy Grail which is the sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene which provides the DNA for living descendent.