Welcome Readers !
" Youth ! Youth ! How buoyant are the hopes , they term ,
Like marriage towards the sunny side ".
- Jean Ingelow
We had celebrated 29 Inter college Rang Mohan youth festival hosted by sports department at Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University , Bhavnagar . This is the festival of youth . And this type of academic youth festival give the opportunity to students to show their hidden talent and skills . And youth festival also provide stage to students to make their career in various filds . And in this festival included various events like , folk song , Western Group Song , skit , solo song , bhajan ,one act play ,mahendi ,rangoli ,poster making instruments music , folk dance , mime , quiz competition etc...
∆ First day ( 25th sept. 2019 ):-
This youth festival attributed to 150 birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi .
The kalayatra started from Shamaldas Arts College to Ground of Seth H .J .Low college , Saradarnagar . And in the Kalayatra various colleges and many students participated and they shows their art and they all are used various theme in Kalayatra like ,
# My life is my message
#Mohan to Mahatma
# Simon go back
# where am I ?
#clean India etc .
∆ First day ( 25th sept. 2019 ):-
This youth festival attributed to 150 birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi .
The kalayatra started from Shamaldas Arts College to Ground of Seth H .J .Low college , Saradarnagar . And in the Kalayatra various colleges and many students participated and they shows their art and they all are used various theme in Kalayatra like ,
# My life is my message
#Mohan to Mahatma
# Simon go back
# where am I ?
#clean India etc .
∆ second day ( 26 Sept. 2019 ) :-
The second day of youth festival started with University Song and Mahatma Gandhi's favourite song
"वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिए पीड पराई जाने रे ..."
Add outstanding fork orchestra was performed by GTU students and then welcome speech given by Dilipsingh Gohil . The chief guest of this function was Bhupendrasingh Chudasama (cabinet education Minister) and many famous artists like Mayabhai Ahir , Kirtidan Gadhavi , Dhirubhai Sarvaiya , Yuvraj of Bhavnagar and the VC of MKB uni etc. And during this opening ceremony we enjoy a lot .
∆ Falk Dance , One act play , mimicry :-
∆ Third Day ( 27 sept. 2019 ) :-
# Painting Competition :-
# Painting Competition :-
∆clay modelling :-
∆ Fourth Day ( 28 Sept. 2019 ):-
# Rangoli :-